Friday, March 17, 2006

I'm a horrible mom & the rest of my week

Whew! I sure am glad it is Friday. I really need to get some rest & unwind a bit.

OK, so Wednesday morning as I was waiting in line to drop my boys off at their school my son asked if they could be car riders that afternoon. I thought about it, and figured that wouldn't be a problem. Normally, they ride the bus home because I have to pick up my step kids in another school district. But, I can pick them up when I need just really makes time tight in the afternoon.

Anyhow, I wrote them both a note that they would be car riders that afternoon. No Big Deal. I went on to work for 4 hours, met a friend for lunch, ran some errands, then went to pick up my step kids at their schools. Bear in mind this is a 90 minute process...getting the two of them from the elementary & middle school.

On the way home I stopped at the grocery store. Then thought to myself, Austin & Bryce get off the bus in about 20 minutes...we need to hurry home.


Car Riders.

Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we FLY all the way to my kid's school. When we got there all the car riders had been picked up. Except my 2 boys. Oh my gosh....I felt SOOOOO horrible. I had to pick them up at the office. And of course, they were asking a million questions. I told them I had run into complications & I'd talk to them about it when we got home.

So, we all piled back into the Blazer and started home. Before we were even out of the parking lot, I heard my stepson lean over and whisper to my children, "Your mom forgot all about you."

Well, ladies, I now know why stepmothers are considered evil and wicked. It is because they have stepsons that drive them crazy!!!! I was furious....and I did over react.

When we got home, I grabbed my stepson by the ear and told him (OK, no I yelled at him) that he had NO RIGHT to say anything like that to my kids and that if he ever stuck his nose in where it didn't belong again that he would loose things that he wanted to keep.......

I had to go for a walk to cool off before I even went in the house. I know that I over reacted...and I assume it was because I was already upset that, yes, well, I did forget about my kids. I am SUCH a creature of habit that when I have a change in schedule I have to have flashing neon lights to remind me of it.

So, I was a bad mom & stepmom on Wednesday. Go ahead and hand me the award.

I was a bad wife yesterday. (sigh) I won't bore you with the whole story, but let's just say I was a complete Bit** about something...when there really was no reason to be. Once again, I lost my temper, but this time over really nothing.

It seems like every time I experience spiritual growth, I seem to go backwards in another area. Almost like I am being challenged. One step forward, two steps back, as they say.

Well, enough of my boring week. I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!! Enjoy, be safe, and God Bless!

"If you are strangers to prayers you are strangers to power." ~ Billy Sunday


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