Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weekend in Review

After nearly a decade of debate, the lottery finally came to North Carolina. For years, every state surrounding us has had the lottery. The result was that hundreds of thousands of NC residents would drive across state lines to buy their tickets. Now, I am not a particular fan of nor a opponent against the lottery. However, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out we are better off keeping those $$$ in our state.

In Georgia, where my husband is from, any student that maintains a B average and has decent SAT scores gets a free ride to a state college..supported by the lottery money. That is just awesome. I can't tell you how many time we've said we should move to Georgia for that reason alone. Putting 4 kids thru college is NOT going to be cheap.

Anyhow.....yesterday we had baseball games most of the day. The tempos were around 80, so it was DRASTICALLY different from a week ago when we were freezing. Both the boys lost their games, so that kinda stunk.

This morning we had church. It is so satisfying to finally have somewhere we can call our church home. We are supposed to be getting involved on several different levels within the next few weeks.

This afternoon, my mom and I took the kids to see CATS!. You know, the Broadway play. I have seen it 5 times, but I have loved it every single time. This was the first time for the kids and I think they really enjoyed it. Even Bryce, my 7 year old with ADHD, was for the most part quiet, and entranced the whole performance. Oh, and no it wasn't on Broadway, it performed locally.

Right now my stepdaughter is at Thrive. It is a teen program the church has started to give them time to fellowship, study, and have fun together. The couple leading Thrive are newlyweds that just graduated from Bible College themselves. I feel like they are young enough to really identify with the kids and be excellent role models for them. I am so glad Chelsea is wanting to be a part of it.

Tuesday I am going to a job fair. While I have a part time job, I only work about 12 hours a week and it is just not helping pay the bills. As much as I hate it, I have to either find an additional part time job or another job altogether. It is very important to me to be home when the kids get off the bus, and even more important to be able to spend some time with them this summer. So, say a prayer for me that the right job will come along.

Have a great weekend!!!

"Maturity doesn't come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility."~Ed Cole


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