How does it happen?
How do kids seem to grow up overnight
Chelsea starts HIGH SCHOOL this week. Wasn't it just last year she started middle school? It sure seems like it. She is at a freshman orientation for 1/2 day today. She's really nervous about getting lost in the school, but I told her it really isn't that big. She's going to the same high school I went to, more years ago than I care to think about.
My stepson is beginning his last year of elementary school. My oldest son only has 2 years left of elementary school. It just doesn't seem possible. When Tim & I got married all the boys were in preschool. Heck, Bryce was only 2 and now he is starting 2nd grade.
To make me feel even older, my best friend's daughter was DRIVING by our neighborhood yesterday and decided to stop to say hello. SHE WAS DRIVING. I mean, how can that sweet little girl be old enough to drive? It was really touching that she was in the area and thought of her "Aunt Andee." I had just woke up, so basically she just hugged me and said she wanted to stop and say hello. Wow. Sixteen and driving.
I guess today I am just really realizing how quickly they are all growing up. It seems like we get so busy in our lives that everything just start spinning so fast that we miss so much. Is there a way to slow it down? I'm afriad the next time I notice how much they've all grown, Chelsea will be going away to college.
Ahhh, memories....

As you know, we have a daughter that just started college this year. It is hard to believe that she is 18 now. It seems just like yesterday that I was getting her ready for her first days of school and now she is going to UGA. I try to make time to do stuff with my kids to add memories to the times of our lives and theirs. Watching her grow has been a real eye opener and watching her personality develop into a very grown up gal is great. She has a great head on her shoulders so I feel that I have done a pretty good job raising her. Makes a momma proud!!
Rosie will be 11 soon.....Seems like she was a newborn just yesterday!
What a lovely picture of you and your family! *Smile* Looks like that was a very happy day.
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