Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Nothing can ruin a perfectly good day faster than a migraine. I have been getting them since I was a teenagers. Sometimes they are just very annoying, sometimes they completely shut me down.

Usually I only get a few a year, unless I am going through something hormonal. Like pregnancy, going on or off the pill, etc etc.

I've tried all the medications they have come out with. Most of them make me so sick, that is defeats the purpose. I'm still in bed, just running to the bathroom to throw up. The only 2 that don't make me sick, help the pain a little bit, but make me feel rather disconneted...fuzzy headed.

So, when possible when I feel a migraine coming on, I simply go to bed. An hour or two of sleep in the ONLY cure with no side effects. Obviously, there are times I am not able to lay down and on those occasions I just suffer through it.

I've had 3 migraines this week. The only thing I can think is that the pressure from Hurricane Katrina is effecting me. Today one came one while I was taking the kids to school. That was awlful. I couldn't see because of the aura. And then the pain was incredible. After I finally got the all to school I came back home and climbed into bed. It made me grateful I'm out of work...at least I didn't have to call in sick.

Anyone else out there have migraines? Have you found a remedy that works? How does your family react when "Momma has a migraine?"

I also get sinus headaches all the time.....I'd say 7 days our of 10. 10 our of 10 when the seasons are changing. At least with those, I can pop a Tylenol Sinus pill and it goes away rather quickly. But, I'd love to find a way to avoid them all together instead of taking so many pills.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have this condition.

My friend uses Imitrex & it works well for him! (prescription)

2:40 PM  

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