Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Household Chores

Just out of curiosity, why is that a mom is rarely thanked for all they do? However, when a husband or child actually does something, they expected to be praised for hours on end?

On a daily basis, I do the normal mom stuff. Run kids all around, work a few hours, do my own homework, do laundry, dishes, fix breakfast, make lunches, cook dinner, clean dishes again, sweep, pick up kids, help with homework, etc etc.

Yesterday my beloved husband cleaned the kitchen. I noticed, I said thanks, then hours later he had to point out again what all he did in the kitchen. I was polite (don't want to discourage him) but I'm thinking....what do you want? a parade?
applause? No one ever thanks me for the things I am constantly doing.

OK...just had to get that off of my chest.

"Beware of reasoning about God's Word--obey it" Oswald Chamber


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