Thursday, May 11, 2006

Night shift here I come!

Well, I just got the call that I for sure have the 12 hour, night shift job. After lots of fact figuring, we had decided that is the one I am going for. It is much more money than I have ever made, plus no day care.

The first 4 weeks ARE going to be difficult. I have to train during the day. So I will have to put my boys in before & after school care. But, I should finish training about the same week they finish school, so the timing works out well.

It also means I have to drop out of the summer session at college. Maybe even have to take a couple of semesters off. That makes me really sad, but you have to do what you have to do. We HAVE to have more income. If not, we will loose our house before much longer. We are currently living payday to payday....disconnect notice to disconnect notice. That is no way for a family to live. And at least, I have 2 years of college under my belt now. No one can take that away and it will be there when I can finish.

Bruins, I appreciate your comments about the difficulty of workign 3rd shift. I think we will be OK, because I will have 3 nights off one week and 4 the following. It cannot be more stressful than never having enough money to survive. And the cost of 3 in day care is just astronomical.

Look out, Corning Cable.....Here I come!

One of the most important responsibilities in the Christian life is to care about others, smile at them, and be a friend to the friendless.

James Dobson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I am new to blogging in general and new to this site. But I decided I needed something to help keep my head from flying off into outer space-literally. Anyway, I saw your entry about your new job and your predicament so I was compelled to read the rest. I am happy for you that you've gotten a job that will give you security. Everyone says money doesn't make you happy, but it does pay the bills and that seems to be what we all face and need to get by every day. Even my friends who are supposed to be really wealthy can't pay their bills sometimes and I look at them in shock. No one is spared. The thing that struck me is how much you care about your family and you are willing to put their well being first. It seems to me that you've got the happy part down, even in stressful times. I am certain that your financial part will come together too. Your new job is lucky to have you and I am sure your family already knows that they are lucky. You sound really busy, but if you could fit it in, maybe you could take a course over the internet, so you don't have to feel like you've had to completely put aside the pursuit of your degree. In any event, best of luck.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting the job. A semester or 2 off really shouldn't be too bad - it may even be beneficial in the long run. Things do have a way of working themselves out. Maybe God has something in store for you that you don't know about yet. I know you are going to be great!

Let us know how it goes.

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bets of Luck, doll. I am in your corner.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to figure out the pros and cons...night shift is hard to adjust to but you will be home with your kids during the day, when they need you. They will get used to it and might be more helpful??? LOL

School will work out, it might even make more sense after working. I know when I went back to college for my BS.. and had to take microbiology, it was super easy. and I was wondering how that could be, but it just made more sense to me and some things related to my job.

7:14 AM  

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