Monday, April 24, 2006

Lazy day, busy day, then bad day

Seems like my life often resembles a roller coaster ride.

Saturday turned out to be a lazy day. It was raining off and on, so all the ballgames were canceled. Tim & I spent almost the entire day in bed watching movies and just enjoying some down time together.

Sunday things got busier. We had church, then a make up baseball game. When we got home I planted about 2 flats of flowers in our yard. One of these days, I am going to wise up and plant all perennials, but I just love the splashes of color annuals make all summer long.

Then today. The new job. I've been there a week & 1/2. I've gotten lots of good feed back and felt really good about how things were going. When I arrived this morning the owner wanted to see me. He had several files on the desk which he showed me.

On Friday right as I was leaving, the office manager asked me to make some copies of an insurance document in a stack of employee files. Fine, no problem. In 2 of the folders, the document was stapled to the front. Being in a hurry, I gently pulled the documents off, copied them, then stapled them back in the folder. He pointed this out and said, "You obviously didn't take the time to use a stapler remover and that is just not the kind of work we do here. We think you are a wonderful person with a lot of potential, but it just isn't' going to work out here."


So, that was that for this job.

When I got home, I quickly called a couple of people that had left messages last week wanting me to come in for interviews. I didn't call them back because I thought I already had a job. I have an interview at 11:00 today and another one on Thursday. Hopefully I will hear back from a few more.

So, the roller coaster continues. This morning I went hurtling through the double inverted loop. What is around the next curve?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that is pretty crazy!
You will be better off elsewhere.

3:25 PM  

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