Monday, June 19, 2006


I am going to night shifts tonight & I am surprised to find that I am really nervous about it. For numerous different reasons.

1. It is going to be an adjustment for me and my family for me to be gone 13 hours every nights.

2. I'm moving on to a new & more difficult phase of my training. Even though I whizzed thru the 1st phase, I worry that I won't cut it in this next step.

3. I know no one on nights. I know that is silly, but I'd gotten to know a lot of people on the day shift. I'm going to be a stranger again.

4. My 1st trainer really liked me a lot. He had nothing but good things to say about me. What if this new gal is different & doesn't care for me or my work?

Ok, enough of my paranoid worrying. Things will work themselves out, just as they always do.

I must say, having 2 incomes has really been nice. The bills are FINALLY almost all caught up. There is definatly something to be said for having a dual income...something we haven't had in over 3 years. I guess no matter what a family decides for Mom to do...stay at home, working part time, or working full time there are always pros and cons to each situation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, there are pros and cons. Having two incomes is really nice and I enjoyed it while in the military, yet the sacrifices we make for me to be home are worth it plus I do a little something on the side. Guess we can't have our cake and eat it to - maybe cake and just lick the frosting (smile).

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pulling for ya. Just breathe.

1:13 PM  

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