Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Night Shift

So far, so good as far as the night shift goes. I do not like this particularly area of Q.A. as much as I did the previous, but it is good for me to be trained in as many areas as possible.

What did come as a surprise is how hard it is for me to pull out of the driveway at 6:15 in the evening. I knew I would miss my family. I knew it would be hard to be away from my husband. But, both nights so far, I have been teary eyed as I drove out of our neighborhood.

I know me working is a necessity. I'm going from bringing home $450 a MONTH to almost $600 a week. My contribution is finally going to get us out of the hole and hopefully stop the creditors from calling.

And I know nightshift is the best choice for our family right now. If I worked a typical Mon-Fri, 8-5, kinda job we would be paying full time day care for 3 kids all summer. And before/after school care during the school year. With this job, I sleep for 5 hours when I get home, then have the afternoon with the kids. And once I am totally done with training, I will have a lot of days of during the week to spend with them. I will be able to volunteer at their schools, go on field trips, and be here every day when they get off the bus.

But it is still hard to leave them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. Granted when I was working it was only part time, but still. It was hard. At the same time, however, I always felt a little relieved. Is that rotten or what? LOL I enjoyed the knowledge that my family really would be alright without my minute to minute supervision.

I'm glad to hear that your new financial contribution is helping out. I wish that I could do the same for my family right now. We are absolutely drowning. I think I might actually have to "seek assistence" this month since DH had that week off, and then the non paid "disciplinary" days. Rent and electric are both supposed to come out of a check that is one third what it needs to be!

Good luck! And thanks for your continued support!

3:06 PM  

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