Monday, February 19, 2007

Been sick

I came down with some kind of virus late Saturday. I don't think it was the flu, but it was worse than a typical cold. I ended up calling into work on Sunday night and just sat like a zombie in my recliner all day. I dozed off and on during the Daytona 500. In the end it didn't matter...none of our guys finished in at the top.

I made reservations for our anniversary trip today. We are going to Savannah, GA. I've never been there, but have ALWAYS wanted to. The historic district just looks so beautiful and romantic. We will be in there in May, so hopefully lots of pretty flowers will be blooming, too. As I browse the Savannah websites I don't think we will be able to fit everything into a mere long weekend. But, it is a start.

I'm going to lunch with a friend tomorrow. No kids, no spouses, just us girls. It will be nice to have a leisurely lunch and try to catch up on each other's lives.

Chelsea finished Driver's Ed on Saturday. In April, she can officially get her learner's permit. Wow. That scares me in more ways than I can possibly describe.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How many times can one child say, "MOM"?

Holy cow! My kids came in from school yesterday and in less than one hour my youngest had said, "MOM", 25 times. What does that work out to be? About every other minute?

Then we took them to my parents for the evening, so Tim and I could go out on our date, and you start hearing, "Grandma..." every few seconds. HOLY COW.
So, TIm and I went on our date. Dinner was excellent...thank heavens for call ahead seating. I called an hour ahead of time and put our names on the list. By the time we arrived at an early 5:20, the wait was 2 hours. But, thanks to my intelligent decision to call ahead, we were seated immediatley.

The movie was very cute. We went to see Music and Lyric with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. No big surprises, but it was a sweet movie. Perfect for Valentine's Day.

When we got home, every time I left the room I heard Tim call, "Babe?" At one point I felt myself getting frustrated, but recognized it was just because of the kids calling me constantly earlier in the evening. Right before I got cranky, I caught myself and reminded myself how lucky I am to have a man that wants me beside him. Heck, some men don't even notice when their wives leave them room. ( my ex was one of them )

Well, it is time for the bus and the "MOMS" to begin. Ya'll stay warm out there.

Going on a date

Tim and I are going on a date tonight. I have to work all weekend, so we thought we should take advantage of a night alone, especially since it is Valentine's Day.

We are going to dinner then to see that new chic flick, Music and Lyrics. We both like Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore, so even if it is a bit predictable, I think we will like it. I'm not sure where we are going to dinner yet, but I'm guessing it will be Texas Roadhouse. Not exactly the most romantic atmosphere, but we love the food and the service.

The new bedroom is coming together nicely. Our new bed is almost too comfortable. I didn't think that could be true....but it is so wonderful I never want to get out of bed. Then when I do, I just can't wait to get back into bed. I'll post some pictures when we get the room 100% done. All we have left to do is put up the border and finish the ceiling fan.

After much delay and consideration, I dropped out of school for this semester. It is just getting to be too much. Between working 12 hour shifts, everything the kids have going on, and the normal day to day stuff, I just wasn't getting my school work done. Since I started online courses, my school work fell in my list of priorities from somewhere near the top, to somewhere near the bottom. I'm going to have to figure out some other way...even if it means taking a semester or two off. What I am really thinking, is trying to get a job within my company in the office, so I would be working the normal 8-5 work day. Then I could go back to night classes 2 nights a week. But we will see.

I know most of you are under a ton of snow and ice. We hovered around 34 when it passed through, so we just ended up with a whole lot of rain. Today, the sun is out, but the wind is brutal. All the more reason to hurry home tonight and snuggle in the nice, warm, comfy bed. :-)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Song Lyrics

One Body Ministries - Uniting believers into one body to win souls and further the cause of Christ!

I Believe Christian Network

WBFJ-Music From the Heart

Diary Of A Transplant Patient

The Life and Times of Simon

World Prayer

World Prayer