Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dressing Room & Our Day at the Lake

The Dressing Room

The first thing I have to talk about is trying on bathing suits Friday night. As I mentioned in the previous post, Hubby's summer office party is taking place on a boat. So, I decided I would get a pretty new suit to wear.

Now, let me say, in the 4 years we have been married I have gained 50 pounds. Once upon a long time ago, I was very skinny. Then I gained about 25 pounds and it actually looked good. I gained it in the right places and had a feminine, curvaceous figure. I am one of those people that looks better slightly overweight than skinny.

BUT, these additional 50 pounds is just way too much.

Hubby went with me shopping on Friday night. We went to Penny's and I picked out about 10 suits to try on. When I got into the dressing room and saw myself in those mirrors that surround you from every angle I was devastated. Embarrassed. Ashamed. And Depressed.

How did I get this big? Wearing a D cup bra doesn't mean much if your stomach sticks out further than your boobs! I stood there about 5 minutes, just aghast at how badly I looked.

Then I calmly came out, hung the bathing suits up, and informed Tim I would not be going swimming on Saturday.

When he asked why, I hesitated, but finally explained. He was great, for the most part. He assured me that he loves me know matter what and that he thought I was being silly. But, he also reminded me that my weight was something within my control. If I am unhappy, then loose the weight.

Easier said than done.

Day at the Lake

On to happier events, our day at the lake was really nice. Tim's partner and his wife rode down with us. The guys had too much to drink (surprise) and us girls kinda hung out together.

The boat was awesome. It could fit up to 100 people. They had beer & margaritas, so that was nice. We cruised around the lake, people rode jet skis, had a wonderful lunch, then some folks went swimming. At one point, I was actually able to find quiet corner and spend a little time reading.

The weather was nice...not too hot, not too cold. And cloudy.

I did experience something I haven't felt in a long time...and it made me feel bad. Covetness. Jealousy. Greed. Whatever you want to call it. The lake the largest in NC and is surrounded by GORGEOUS homes. About 50% of NASCAR drivers live on the lake. Anyhow......there were all these beautiful homes, complete with their own docks and personal boats that probably costs more than my house. We watched the family playing on their perfectly manicured lawns.....driving their nice boats...swimming in the water....and investigating the little islands in the lake. I wanted their life so bad I couldn't stand it.

And that is so unlike me. Long ago, I accepted that there are all kinds of people in this world and that someone with more ( or less ) money than me didn't make them more important or less respectable. Money isn't everything....matter of fact I do believe it is the root of all evil. But still.............

So, all in all it was a very nice day. It is certainly something I won't soon forget.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Office Party? (sort of)

My husband's new company has a very unique office party every summer. Last year all of the employee's and spouses were able to participate in the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Lowe's Motor Speedway. They all got to learn how to drive a race car and take a few laps around the track at whatever speed they were comfortable with.

This year's party is tomorrow at Lake Norman near Charlotte. They have chartered a party boat for the day. They are going to serve lunch, have a full service bar, jet skis, swimming, sounds like a lot of fun.

The weather is supposed to be cloudy & much cooler...highs around 80. I am thrilled about that for many reasons. The biggest one is if it is rainy, I won't have to wear a bathing suit in front of people I don't know. I can stay fully dressed on the boat all day. Since I have gained weight, I avoid swimsuits as much as possible.

At any rate, Happy Friday everyone! I pray everyone has a safe & enjoyable weekend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pictures from Austin's Cruise

The heat

I have been quiet long enough about this.


Yes, I know it is almost August and that it is supposed to be hot this year. But, the combination of 100+ degree temps and this high humidity is just making life miserable. I get exhausted just from being outside for a few minutes.

I cannot even imagine what it is like for people that don't have A/C. I work in the offices of a factory. Out on the plant floor they dont' have Air. In a big, brick building. They have some enormous fans out there, but I think all that is accomplishing is pushing hot air around in circles.

This week my hubby is working in a new building at NC State, which doesn't have A/C yet. I hate it for him. I'm sending a cooler full of water every day, but that can't help much.

Where is Autumn? I am so ready to see her this year!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Austin's Birthday

Today is my son's 8th birthday. Where does the time go? In some ways it seems like only a year or two ago that I believe I was infertile. And now here I am with with 2 kids as well as 2 bonus kids to boot. Sometimes as I sit in our home and listen to the ruckus I have to remind myself that my prayers were an abundance!

This weekend was quiet...the quietest we've had in months, if not years. It was just too hot to do much. The house was already clean from our company last week and I am on break from school.

Which reminds me..for the first time in my life I was excited to get a C. I was worried about passing my Spanish class at all, so I will take the C. My Education 201 class was an A. I'll just have to work extra hard in the fall to bring up my GPA.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday & staying inside where it is cool. It is supposed to be 99 here today...with the humidity they say it will feel like 110+. UGH

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I spoke too soon!

I knew it would happen. I complained about everything being too quiet. While the weekend was peaceful, things have spun into a frenzy this week. I had my Spanish final on Monday so I am FINALLY done with that.

However....I have a 10 minutes presentation tomorrow for my EDU class. I basically have to pretend my professor is a student and teach her what I learned on my final research paper. Whew! My hub is going to help me some with the presentation. I am going to pretend I am doing a live radio show with a student (my professor) in the studio with me. Hubby is going to play the role of the 3 Doctors whose research I read. I am going to tape record him, then play it during the presentation, as if the doctors were on the phone with me. Then at the end, I am going to do a brief activity with the "student" on the difference between fact and opinion. Does that sound "entertaining" and "engaging"?

I wish I had money to buy stuff to decorate and set up a little studio, but I've got $20 left to my name and no groceries in the house to speak of. Thank heavens payday is Friday.

To top it off, my inlaws are visiting tomorrow to bring home Cody & Chelsea. Which means I have an immense amount of housework to get accomplished tonight as well. They will probably be at our house when I get off work tomorrow, so it all has to be done before I walk out the door in the morning.

I love my Mother In Law, I really do. She is a neat freak. Every time she visits, she finds something to criticize. She was a stay at home mom, so she doesn't understand what it is like to have both parents working, 4 kids, plus one parent going to school full time. Our house is never nasty, but is always disorganized.

So, to sum up I am stressed. I have WAY too much to do to be sitting at work today. So, for right now, I am going to concentrate on a few verses, say a short prayer, and try to have a very productive day.

"Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually."1 Chronicles 16:11

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." John 14:27

"Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. " 1 Peter 5:7

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Friday, July 15, 2005


Today is the day all of our children leave for various vacations. I decided to let hubby drive Chelsea to Georgia by himself because I have an incredible amount of school work & studying to do this weekend. He is spending the night down there tonight, but is coming back early tomorrow morning. I really hated to not go, but I figured I could make really good use of the peace and quiet in the house. Not only are all the kids gone, but now hubby too.

The problem is...I am not used to quiet. I've been alone for over 4 hours now and hardly gotten anything accomplished. Well, that isn't true. I cleaned the bathroom, had coffee with a friend, and played some games online. I kept getting my textbooks out, but just can't get motivated.

We will have no kids in our home until Thursday. I am honestly at a loss as to what I will do with myself. I have a lot of projects that I need to do around the house, but little money to pay for them. Shoot, I painted the living room nearly 2 months ago. I still need to put up the border & paint the trim but I haven't had the time or money to do so. (sigh)

I am not sure if it is just the stillness of the house or that I am a true procrastinator and can't start on this stuff knowing I have a few more days. I have an exam on Monday, but the rest isn't due until Thursday. Is it A LOT of work, though. I shouldn't wait until the last minute, especially when I actually have time to be working on it now.

Yet, here I sit. Trying to force myself to concentrate and failing miserably. In silence.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

It is a revolving door of kids

It never fails. Every summer things get all crazy for a week or two. Everybody is going somewhere all at once. This is the reason we have 6 suitcases.

It began today. I drove Cody to meet his grandparents in Gafney, SC. They live in GA, so this city is about 1/2 way. He is going to be staying with them for a little over a week. For those of you who have driven down i-85 in SC before, you probably notices this giant watertower in the shape of a peach. That is where we always meet. You can't miss the peach.

Friday, my boys are heading to Tennessee. Bryce is staying for a week with his grandparents over there, but Austin is coming back home with Dad on Sunday.

Saturday we are driving Chelsea to Georgia, then turning around and coming back home. It is 4 hours each way. She is joining her brother to visit with her grandparents in Georgia. She is taking a pottery class every day this week, so she wasn't able to go down with us today.

THEN, Austin is going with my parents on a cruise on Monday. They will be gone 5 day.

What this boils down to, is next week we have NO kids. How odd is that? I'm surrounded by children every day. I honestly wont know what to do with myself.

Cody & Chelsea will be home on Thursday, but they turn around and are going with their mom to the beach for a week. So, in essence, they will be gone for 2 weeks, with one brief night with us in the middle.

Monday is my last night of class, so then I am FREE until the fall semester starts.

Confused yet? Yeah, me too. From now until the end of July everything is nuts. Then, when August rolls around things calm down again until school starts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Life as we know it

Life as my family has known it for the past 4 years is changing. My husband just called to tell me he just had a call from his ex. Chelsea, my stepdaughter, started her first period this morning. No wonder she was so cranky over the weekend!

We recently switched from having an answering machine to having voicemail at home. In other words, when the kids are home they can't hear what messages have been left. When I got home Friday I checked the voicemail and there was a message from a boy, "Chelsea, baby, call me."

Baby? She's 13 ?!?!?! And who is this kid anyhow? All she has said is that it is a friend from school.

Oh boy. Somehow I feel like we need to put on our seatbelts and get ready for a bumpy ride.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Putting it in writing

I need to loose weight and my husband is diabetic. So, we both need to be eating healthy. We have "started" diets & exercise programs several times over the years, but never really committed. Well, I didn't. He has lost weight several times, only gained it back over time. He seems to have a much easier time loosing it than I do.

Imagine my surprise Friday night when hubby brought me a written pledge. He decided if we put it in writing as a promise to one another we would have more motivation to stick with it. His promised to loose weight, only drink beer on the weekends, and to only have cigars a few times a year on special occasions. He created an overall plan to get healthier in the form of a pledge to me.

So, tonight I sat down to write mine. I promised to start exercising EVERY DAY (what have I done?) and to make healthy food choices. Certain things, such as French Fries, are off limits entirely. Otherwise, I just need to cut portions and EXERCISE.

I also included a paragraph regarding daily devotions. I used to be really good about doing a devotion in the mornings and hubby and I would do one together before bed. We've been out of it for about a year now and I really miss it. Looking back, I can see my attitude was much more positive and hopeful when I spent those few moments in meditation and prayer.

So, here goes.......We begin tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Fourth of July weekend

I had an excellent long weekend. You won't hear me say this very often, but it was great. I honestly feel relaxed and refreshed for the first time in a long time.

We didn't have the kids over the weekend, so we slept in every morning. We rented a bunch of movies and stayed snuggled in bed most of the day Saturday. On Sunday we drove up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and went for a nice hike. It was so much cooler up there in the mountains. Then, we came home and went out to a nice dinner at Chili's. No kids, just a nice dinner alone where we were actually able to have a conversation.

We got the kids back yesterday afternoon. My parents had a cookout with all the family, which was very nice. It rained most of the day, but stopped long enough for us to take the kids to see the fireworks.

It was all in all a very nice Fourth of July Weekend.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Christianity and The Bible in Our Classrooms

This is a paper I turned in for my Education 201 class last night. Just thought I'd share and see if anyone has any comments or suggestions. I am going to be researching in depth Religion in public education as my final paper.

Most Elementary Education students have ideals that they hope to see come to fruition once they become teachers in the public school systems. Even those who have experienced a good deal of realism in our schools and may be a bit jaded are inspired to make changes when it is finally “their turn”. Over the past few weeks in my Education 201 class I have become more self aware of my own biases as well as my core beliefs that I will take forward with me as a future educator. The greatest of these is my certainty that our children need to be taught real American history. While this would encompass telling all facts in US history instead of fairy tales, in my opinion a large part should include educating students on the importance of the Bible and Christianity in our nation’s history.
There are two major experiences in my life that has led me to believe so strongly in about these topics. The first occurred in my senior year of high school. I went through a rebellious stage in my mid teens, so in my senior year, my parents and I decided for me to enroll in a Christian school. The history and Bible lessons I learned there were invaluable to me. They made impressions on me which still influences my decisions and thought processes to this day. Therefore, I learned the value of learning the impact the Bible had on the formation of our country. I believe if I had been exposed to these morals and standards at a younger age, I may have experienced much calmer teen years.
The latter experience has been through my history classes here at Guilford College. I have realized that a lot of information taught in our public schools is sorely lacking in accuracy and content. Our nation’s history is not the pretty and rosy story often portrayed in history textbooks. I believe that students have a right, even the need to learn how America began. While our classrooms are filled with diverse cultures, all children in our public school systems live in America and can benefit from knowing our country’s true heritage—good and bad.
A brief study of United States history reveals the Bible was the foundation and blueprint for our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, educational system, and our entire history until 20 to 30 years ago. To support this, I have interviewed four different people from very different walks in life to get their opinions. All four agreed whole-heartedly that the reason Europeans came to America was to gain religious freedoms and to flee Catholic rule. Many different colonies evolved, each with their own version of religion. However, indisputably their core beliefs were all centered on the Bible and Christianity. A respondent replied adamantly to me, “The foundation of our country was laid on the basis of God's providence, and all men being equal. This country was settled mostly by Christians fleeing persecution; therefore Christianity had a very big impaction on the formation of society because most of Society was Christians.”
This sentiment echoes the thoughts of all four people I questioned.
However, in history classes in our schools students are not taught what these beliefs are, or what it was about the Bible that made it so important. For students to fully understand the heritage of our great nation, they must be taught the religious aspects. When you're teaching this, you're not teaching religion as such, but history. The facts of what really happened. You do not leave it out simply because for some people it may not be "politically correct". It is still true and is merely educating the students about the real history of our country. As one of my interviewees commented, “When children are taught about the Middle East, they learn about Islam and some of it’s major concepts. By all means, they should learn about the religion that founded the very country they call home.”
It is ironic that public schools were first formed as a way to ensure that children were able to read the Bible. Now, it is not allowed to be referred to in any way in our nation’s classrooms. As quoted in two major national newspapers, “How are we to expect our young people to live up to America’s ideals if they are cut off from the stories, beliefs and metaphors that for hundreds of years gave those principles life?” (Nov. 12, 1999). “It would be hard for anyone ignorant of the Bible to understand much of the story of civilization. Public schools are obligated to avoid promoting religion, but if they ignore it completely they do a disservice to both their pupils and the Constitution.” (Nov. 28, 1999)
To further emphasize how instrumental the Bible was to our founding fathers, I would like to share a few quotes from some of these men. Patrick Henry proclaimed, "The Bible is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed." Prior to being elected President, Thomas Jefferson stated, "I have always said, and will always say, that studious perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens." It was obvious that these men felt the Bible held great significance in their life and had profound influence on their decisions.
What is the solution to this challenge of properly educating our children about our nation’s real history and try to not push any religious agenda? I believe I found the answer in a couple of courses currently being taught as elective in public schools across the nation. One is called The Bible and American Civilization and the other The Bible in History and Literature. My main knowledge is about The Bible in History and Literature because it was created by an organization in Greensboro called The National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools (NCBCPS). Their aim, as well as mine, is to offer a curriculum for students in public schools, which respect the views of major faith groups, while endorsing none in particular. On their website it is explained,
“The Bible curriculum itself is geared toward conveying the content of the Bible in a historical and literary context,” Ridenour said. “It is not our intent to indoctrinate students into a particular religion. Instead, we want to equip them with a fundamental understanding of the influence of the Bible on history, law, and our American culture, and help them gain insight into the thoughts of our country’s Founding Fathers so they can understand the Bible’s influence on those men’s views of human rights.
In my opinion, this type of course meets 5 different needs. It equips the student with a fundamental understanding of the important literary forms contained in the Bible, as well as people and symbols often referred to in literature, art, and music. It prepares the student with a fundamental understanding of the influence of the Bible on history, law, American community life and culture. It provides insight into the worldviews of America's Founding Fathers and to understanding the Biblical influences on their views on human rights. It increases knowledge of Middle-Eastern history, geography, religion and politics. And lastly I believe that it informs the students of the importance of religion in world and national history, without imposing the doctrine of any particular religious sect.
In my interviews, I explained this elective class as well as provided examples of some of the things being taught. Interestingly, the four people were divided 50/50 in their responses. Two of the subjects believe whole-heartedly that this type of program should be offered and encouraged in our schools. One person stated, “Elective courses are already being offered in Islam and Buddhism. Public Schools in CA are having kids dress in Muslim garb and pray Muslim prayers. That being the case, why not teach the Bible as history and had a profound effect Western Civilization over the course of two millennia. If we are going to be honest about our history, it needs to be at least included in its impact.”
On the contrary, two of the individuals I interviewed did not approve of these elective classes. While they did both agree American history should be taught in such a way as to include the influences of Christianity, they believe this course was taking things too far. One replied, “What if a Muslim or Jewish student signed up for the class just because they needed another elective? They may be offended by the study of the Bible.” Now, while I personally disagree with this view, I respect their view. Another common argument is that it is unconstitutional to teach anything about the Bible in today’s public schools. However, the fact is, the Supreme Court has ruled that it is constitutional when taught within the proper context.
To me, part of the beauty of this curriculum is that it is in fact an elective. Children and their parents who see value in its contents are able to choose to take this course. It is not forced upon anyone who may be offended.
When my time at Guilford is done and I move forward in the world as a teacher, I have many values that I will be taking with me. I hope to instill these morals and values in my students by setting an example for them. In addition, I hope that I am able to share with them the truth about our nation’s rich and interesting heritage.

Song Lyrics

One Body Ministries - Uniting believers into one body to win souls and further the cause of Christ!

I Believe Christian Network

WBFJ-Music From the Heart

Diary Of A Transplant Patient

The Life and Times of Simon

World Prayer

World Prayer