It has been a while since I have posted. Have you ever gotten to the point where you are so tired of constant noise that you just need silence...
even from your own self? Perhaps it was because I was raised an only child, but the constant chatter and bickering of my kids gets to me some times. And not only the kids, but life in general. Between our family, work, school, my own hobbies...sometimes I just need a break. I run out of things to say and really don't want to think about anything.
Hey...Does anyone else know how it came to be
NOVEMBER? I seems like it was just spring and now Christmas is less than 2 months away? How does time pass so quickly once you become an adult?
I am home today with a sick child. He has a tummy bug, which will hopefully pass quickly. However, while we have learned to contain most illness to one child, the tummy bugs seem to always go through each of us. Sometimes twice. (UGH) I have class tonight and Tim is supposed to be taking the kids to the first Wake Forest basketball game of the season. But, with one sick.....not sure what we will work out yet.
I have about one month left in this semester of school...and I am so glad. About this point each semester I start getting burned out. I get bored, put off assignments, and have a hard time paying attention in class. I start each class with a bang and go out with a fizzle.
Ever felt like you were in a state of decay? I started a part time job as a church secretary about 2 months ago. I really like it and felt like it was where God wanted me to be. It was the only job offer I got. Anyhow....I am just not making enough money. We are getting further and further behind on all our bills. I know God doesn't want us to be struggling financially (again. But, I am not getting a sense from Him as to what I should do. Look for yet another job? Work 2 jobs? Go back to work full time? And if so, what about school? I guess that is another reason I haven't' been posting....kinda depressed & anxious about that aspect of our lives right now.
Well, that is enough for today. But, I am going to challenge myself to come up with something more interesting and positive to post in a day or so.