Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Nothing can ruin a perfectly good day faster than a migraine. I have been getting them since I was a teenagers. Sometimes they are just very annoying, sometimes they completely shut me down.

Usually I only get a few a year, unless I am going through something hormonal. Like pregnancy, going on or off the pill, etc etc.

I've tried all the medications they have come out with. Most of them make me so sick, that is defeats the purpose. I'm still in bed, just running to the bathroom to throw up. The only 2 that don't make me sick, help the pain a little bit, but make me feel rather disconneted...fuzzy headed.

So, when possible when I feel a migraine coming on, I simply go to bed. An hour or two of sleep in the ONLY cure with no side effects. Obviously, there are times I am not able to lay down and on those occasions I just suffer through it.

I've had 3 migraines this week. The only thing I can think is that the pressure from Hurricane Katrina is effecting me. Today one came one while I was taking the kids to school. That was awlful. I couldn't see because of the aura. And then the pain was incredible. After I finally got the all to school I came back home and climbed into bed. It made me grateful I'm out of work...at least I didn't have to call in sick.

Anyone else out there have migraines? Have you found a remedy that works? How does your family react when "Momma has a migraine?"

I also get sinus headaches all the time.....I'd say 7 days our of 10. 10 our of 10 when the seasons are changing. At least with those, I can pop a Tylenol Sinus pill and it goes away rather quickly. But, I'd love to find a way to avoid them all together instead of taking so many pills.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Before I die....

My husband and I decided to make a list of things we want to do before we die. Goals, of sorts. I guess just something concrete to give us some direction and give us a sense of accomplisment as we cross the items off of our list as we go through the years.

I'd love for others to share similar lists if they have them. It was fun making it, and will go through some revisions, I feel sure. These are in no particular order.


1. See a desert sunset with my husband
2. Spend an entire week at Sunset Beach with our family
3. Ride in a race car at full speed.
4. Go on a cruise with my husband.
5. Graduate from college
6. Go camping with our kids
7. Visit New Orleans with husband.
8. Go on a trip to Europe with husband.
9. Ride Millennium Force at Cedar Point
10. See a tornado in person
11. See a penguin in its natural habitat.
12. Walk along the gulf coast with my husband.
13. Take our kids to Disney World
14. Support or adopt a child in need
15. Become an active, long time member of a church
16. Become comfortable praying with my husband.
17. Lead someone I love to know Christ
18. Hold my grandchild in my arms, uninterrupted for an extended period of time.
19. Travel the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway
20. Take our kids fishing on a lake in a boat

Thursday, August 25, 2005

One of life's little surprises

This is just something I need to vent about. If you have advice, I would love to hear it. I know this is going to be very long and I am going to ramble, but I feel the need to write about this as it is weighing on my mind.

I suppose I need to start with some background.

My husband and I both have 2 kids from a previous marriage. They are now our kids.

Almost 2 years ago my husband was acting a little strangely. I figured it was something going on at work and when he was ready he would talk about it. I asked several times, of course, but he denied anything was wrong.

In October of 2003 we had been married 2 1/2 years. We decided to take visit my in-law's in Georgia with the kids while they were out of school for fall break. Before we left for the trip, Tim was acting very nervous. Anxious. I knew something was up, but in the rush of getting the van packed and the kids ready, I didn't pursue the issue. I actually forgot about it as we headed south on I-85.

When we were about 20 miles from Tim's parents house he asked me to stop at a rest stop. I told him he was being silly. I mean, surely he could wait another 15 minutes or so. But, he stressed he needed to stop NOW.

So, we did. After everyone visited the restroom and piled back into the van, he took my hand and said we needed to walk. At this point, alarms were going off in my head. He led me over to a picnic shelter and sat down facing me. He took my hands in his and at that point I saw the tears in his eyes. My heart was pounding! Then finally, he said, "I know I haven't been myself lately and I am sorry for that. I should have talked to you and let you in, but I didn't know how. I want you to know that I had the power to make this all go away. But, I decided to do what you would want me to, what I know is right. When we get to Mom & Dad's we are going to meet a little girl. Her name is Ashley and she is my daughter."

OK....just for a minute try to imagine the chaos swirling around in my brain. I won't go on and on with all the details, but at that time she was 8 years old. Many years before we met, while he was stationed in Korea he had an affair that produced this child. Apparently her mom had decided it was time for her to meet her real dad and grandparents.

So, I had a whole 20 minutes to prepare to meet this child. It was difficult, to say the least. Tim also told his children about their 1/2 sister at this time.

Over the past 2 years, we have seen Ashley from time to time. She normally visits Tim's parents in Georgia a couple of times a year and we see her then. She did come spend a week with us over the Christmas holidays this past year. She honestly doesn't seem interested in knowing us. We send cards, gifts, emails, and call her, usually with no response. Or a thank you. She does enjoy spending time with Tim's parents because they spoil her. What kid wouldn't? But, with us she is rude, demanding, bossy, and unpleasant to be around.

A few days ago she called Tim. It is the first time he's heard from her in months. Turns out, she wants him to buy her a clarinet for band and to pay $29.95 for her to participate. That was the purpose of her call. Not to see how he is or tell him how she is doing in school this year.

I have such mixed feelings. One on hand, he wasn't a part of her life for 8 years, so we do owe or something. ( As a side note, her mom married when she was 6 months old and she calls that man Daddy. He has raised her basically from birth. They seem to be fairly well off financially) On the other hand, is this just the beginning of a long list of financial request? If we decline buying her the instrument, her mom may get ticked off and decide to take Tim to court for child support. If we do get it for her, will it be appreciated? Or discarded? Or will it open a floodgate for other items she "has to have"?

I just don't know. I feel the right thing to do is to help her out. I mean, we have these other 4 kids that we spend a small fortune on every month. Clothes, baseball, school supplies, medicines, allowance, entertainment, etc etc. Shouldn't we be doing something for Ashley as well?

But, on the other hand, it IS different. She has a mom & dad that love her and have raised her. She is Tim's child only biologically. She doesn't seem to want to be a part of our lives.

Originally, when Tim found out about Ashley 2 years ago, he was told that Ashley wanted her "dad" to adopt her so she could have the last name of the rest of her family. Currently, she has our last name. Part of me thinks Tim should call her and encourage this. But then I feel selfish. She IS his daughter.

OK....thanks for letting me go off on tangent. After seeing it in writing, I think I know what we should do. Now I just need to talk to my husband about it and let him know he has my support.

A New School Year

Well, it is done. I just got home from taking 4 kids to 3 different school. It is time for me to resume spending almost 2 hours every afternoon sitting in the van to pick up kids at school. It is really not bad though. It gives me time to study, think, pray, reflect. It is about my only daily quiet time now that I think about it.

I have class tonight, so I think I am going to go try to doze off for another hour or two. Then I will need to get up and be productive for a little while. While I am out of work I should really try to stay on top of the housework and such.

I have had several job interviews, but no offers yet. One job requires me to bring them a criminal background check before they will make an offer of employment. Unfortunately, we are so broke right now I can't afford to go downtown, pay for parking, and then pay for the criminal report. It's going to have to wait until Hubby gets paid next week. I hate being this broke...it's depressing.

And the price of gas! Holy cow! It is going to cost about $12 a day just for normal the normal routine of school & baseball practices. On the nights I have class you can add another $10 for the roundtrip to Greensboro and back. So, I am looking at least $80 a week in gas and that is if we don't do anything extra. That is nuts!!!

This weekend hubby and I are alone, thank goodness. We are going to have about $25 to last until Tuesday. I guess I need to be looking for coupons and checking sale papers to find the cheapest way to eat. But, I am trying to look at it as a good opportunity for us to have some quiet snuggle time alone. We can be lazy, watch movies on HBO, and just enjoy each other's company. And hey, I need to loose weight anyhow.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


I've been on summer break from college the past 4 weeks. We go back on Tuesday, so this weekend is the end of my break.

Last night I finished the last book in a triology that I started at the beginning of break. It was so satisfying to start a series and actually be able to read them straight through from beginning to end in a few weeks. I really enjoyed being able to escape into a fantasy world for a little while every day.

I have always loved to read, but since I have started school it has been a rare occasion I had time to devote to a book. I am the type that normally likes to read a 500 page novel in a few days. But that hasn't happened in a long, long time. Between work, school, 4 kids, sports.....well, you get the picture.

For anyone interested, it was the Black, Red, and White series by Ted Dekker. I highly recommend them. The first one was the best, but you just have to keep reading until the end for all the pieces to fit together.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Life goes on......

I haven't posted much lately for a variety of reasons. I've been really busy, for one...but not with anything interesting enough to share. And honestly, I've been a little bit upset with myself and down in the dumps. I guess when I am in that frame of mind, the only thing I want to do online is play mindless trivia and word games.

I am officially out of work, but I don't think that will last long. I had to resign from my job due to a change in company policy that effected the hours I work. As most everyone knows, I work part time, pick up all 4 kids from 3 different schools, and go to school full time myself. So, the hours I have to work are rather limited. (8:30-1:45)

When I turned in my notice, they let me go right then and there. The "big wigs" said that due to the senstivity of my position they couldn't allow me to work the notice. It really made me mad...though I suppose I understand. If I were the type of person who liked to get revenge, I could screw a lot of stuff up for their payroll with just a few keystrokes.

The good news is that I have already had 3 job interviews this week. One position is a VERY flexible job as a church secretary. Another is as an administrative assistant to 2 insurance brokers. The last, and most favorable, would be working in a doctor's office where one of my good friend's just happens to be the office manager. I would work at the front desk, assist the doctor, run tests, and just help out whereever needed. All three jobs are part time and I would be off in time to pick up the kids every day.

Things are getting ready to get crazy for us again. After a very quiet month, baseball try outs are Saturday, I go back to school on Tuesday, and the kids go back Thursday. The lazy days of summer are almost over.

Now if the cooler weather will just arrive as well. :-)

Tomorrow night we are taking the kids to the drive in movie theater. I think the kids will really enjoy it. My best friend is also going with her 3 girls. We are going to park side by side and just have a good 'ole time.

I hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

Luke 17:6 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A girl's night out

Last night I went with my best friend and two 15 year old girls to see Pat Green, Gretchen Wilson, and Kenny Chesney in concert in Raleigh. They put on quite a show! The concert was in an outdoor ampitheather so it was hotter than the blue blazes, but it was still a lot of fun.

It really did remind me of how old I am getting. My friend and I were definatley a minority. The majority of the concert goers where under 25, in tight blue jeans, tank tops, and cowboy hats. It was a lot of fun to see the girls just swooning at Kenny Chesney.

As if to prove my point, as we were walking across the gravel parking lot, I tripped because of a little hole in the ground. Skinned my knee up pretty good. A nice young man stopped and helped me up saying, "Are you alright ma'am?". I just laughed. At least once you are a wife, mother, and overweight, you aren't as concerned about what other people think.

It was great to have a girls' night away. We stopped on the way to have a fabolous dinner at an Italian resturant. Then, we arrived at the concert right as the first act was taking the stage.

We are going to have to have more nights like this out together...just the girls.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

If is isn't one thing..

...it is another. It is always SOMETHING.

I have worked several part time jobs over the past few years. I only work part time so I can be home in the afternoons with our kids. I HAVE to have an income. I go to school full time in the evenings...so any job I have is temporary until I get my degree.

Today I found out that there has been a change in company policy and the person in my position will be required to work until 3:00 to be availble to the 2nd shift employees.

So, I either have to find another job or put at least one of the kids in after school care. The first one gets out at 2:20, so there is no way I could be there in time to pick him up. The reason I took this job to begin with was to avoid after school care.

I have always really wanted a very flexible position, possible working at home.

Any suggestions? My family comes first, but with no income from me we can't make ends meet.


GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Home Sweet Home

We are home for our long weekend in the mountains. We had a really nice time. The weather was uncoroperative, but we were still able to do most everything we had planned to. We just got a little wet in the process.

We arrived Saturday morning and had a wonderful breakfast at a family style restuarant called Daniel Boone Inn. If you are ever in the Boone, NC area, you really must try it. Then we went fishing for most of the day at 2 lakes in the area. We didn't catch a whole lot, but the kids had a lot of fun. I think we have found a new weekend hobby for the whole family.

We also did some hiking at the Moses Cone Manor on the Blue Ridge Parkway and around Bass Lake. It is such a gorgeous area!

Sunday we were surprised to wake up to light rain. All we the forecast had been for partly sunny. So much for meterologists. Anyhow, we toured Linville Caverns, hiked to the stunning Linville Falls, and stopped at a Gem Mining place for the kids to pan for "jewels". We all had a great time. We ended up spending the evening in our room playing UNO. With the rain we couldnt' do anything outdoors, and all the stores and attractions closed at 6:00.

We had planned to do a little more fishing and visit The Blowing Rock on Monday morning before returning home, but it was POURING rain when we woke up. The kids were disappointed, but we promised to go back that way this fall and visit the sites we missed. We stopped at a mall in Hickory on the way home to eat lunch and walk around for a bit.

All in all it was a very nice weekend away with our whole family. We had a lot of fun, yet it was still nice to get home. As they say, there's no place like home. Besides, we missed our puppies like crazy!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Return to "normal"

After 3 weeks of kids coming and going things are finally back to "normal". If that is what you call our family. Everyone is back home at any rate.

We are planning a little getaway for this weekend. I wish we could do a whole week vacation, but we are just not going to be able to afford it. And even if we could with Tim just starting a new job a few months ago he doesn't have much vacation time. Actually, I guess we are fortunate he has any.

Anyhow....we are heading up to the Boone/Blowing Rock area in the mountains. There are a bunch of things we've been wanting to do up that way, just never seem to have the time to get up there. We are planning on taking the kids hiking, fishing, to the caverns, mining for gems, and to Grandfather Mountain. It will be a pretty full 3 day getaway.

And a bonus...it is usually 10-15 degrees cooler up there than it is at home. They are calling for it to be mid 70's all three days. I couldn't ask for better weather for hiking. As far as the fishing....I will take a book and help the kids out.

We are staying at a quaint little inn in Blowing Rock. For those of you who don't know, Blowing Rock is a small, rather upscale town in the Blue Ridge Mountains. If you have read any of the Medford series books, that is where they take place.

I am really looking forward to getting away for a few days and spending some time together as a family. It seems we are always in such a hurry. I think it will be good for us to slow down and take time to enjoy the scenery, and each other's company, for a few days. Before we know it, the kids will be back in school!

Song Lyrics

One Body Ministries - Uniting believers into one body to win souls and further the cause of Christ!

I Believe Christian Network

WBFJ-Music From the Heart

Diary Of A Transplant Patient

The Life and Times of Simon

World Prayer

World Prayer