Sunday, August 27, 2006

All's well that ends well

Last week my computer crashed. I mean, dead. :-( Done. Finite. It happened one the day my 1st semester as a distance education student began. Great.

So, for days, I tried and tried to recover the computer. Tim tried for hours on end. No luck. I was irritated. Ticked off. Just in general not happy. Not only was I paniced about my classes, I MISSED my computer. Or the internet, I suppose. I couldn't access any of my emails or read any blogs. I couldn't do anything. Period.

So, in the end, yesterday we bought a new computer. We've been talking about it for months, but just weren't quite ready financially to buy one.

And now...I sure do love it. This thing is SOOOOO awesome. So, I guess in the end, my computer crashing was a good thing.

Now if I can just figure out how to recover some of the files off my old one, all will be right with the world.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happy to have him home...or not

This week I am off Mon-Thurs. It works out great because the children go back to school on Friday. We are spending the whole week saying goodbye to summer vacation and getting everything ready for the school year.

Usually, my husband works out of town quite a bit. He doesn't always have to spend the night out of town, but he is typcially on the road most of the day, every day. This week is a slow week for he & his partner. They've only had a couple of things to do, and all in town.

The result is that he's been home the majority of the day, every day this week. And will be again tomorrow. Part of me loves to have him home. I truly adore my husband and he is my very best friend. I miss him so much when I'm working that it's great to have some time together on my days off.

But, another part of me is becoming irritated. I have so much to do this week. And I guess the kids and I have a sort of routine for our week days during the summer. I was really looking forward to spending a lot of time alone with the kids this week. Him being home has just wrecked all my plans for the week. I have only gotten about 25% of what I wanted to get done accomplished so far. Tomorrow, we are going shopping for the last of the school supplies and shoes. With him tagging along it will take longer & be a little less fun. Does that make any sense?

He hates spending money, complains about every dollar. In the past, we didn't have hardly any money because we only had one income. When we bought back to school stuff, that meant little to no gas & grocery money for that week. But, now.....we still aren't rolling in dough, and truthfully are still trying to get caught up on everything we were behind on before I went back to work. But, still......the stuff has to be bought. The kids need shoes. They need haircuts. It is going to hurt our wallets, but it has to be done. No point in being grumpy about it.....won't change a thing.

Anyhow...I guess I was just getting cranky that he's been around all week, but feel guilty about it. Thinking about it now, I realize that I am a planner. I am organized and like to know what to expect. Perhaps, his surprise slow week at work just threw a monkey wrench in my "plans" and that bugs me. to fix dinner. And I'm going to give my beloved a great big hug. I really do adore him, even if I secretly wish he was working normal hours this week.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How does it happen?

How do kids seem to grow up overnight

Chelsea starts HIGH SCHOOL this week. Wasn't it just last year she started middle school? It sure seems like it. She is at a freshman orientation for 1/2 day today. She's really nervous about getting lost in the school, but I told her it really isn't that big. She's going to the same high school I went to, more years ago than I care to think about.

My stepson is beginning his last year of elementary school. My oldest son only has 2 years left of elementary school. It just doesn't seem possible. When Tim & I got married all the boys were in preschool. Heck, Bryce was only 2 and now he is starting 2nd grade.

To make me feel even older, my best friend's daughter was DRIVING by our neighborhood yesterday and decided to stop to say hello. SHE WAS DRIVING. I mean, how can that sweet little girl be old enough to drive? It was really touching that she was in the area and thought of her "Aunt Andee." I had just woke up, so basically she just hugged me and said she wanted to stop and say hello. Wow. Sixteen and driving.

I guess today I am just really realizing how quickly they are all growing up. It seems like we get so busy in our lives that everything just start spinning so fast that we miss so much. Is there a way to slow it down? I'm afriad the next time I notice how much they've all grown, Chelsea will be going away to college.

Ahhh, memories....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

My random quotes

I visited the random quote generator suggested by PopTartMom and thought I would share my immediate favorites. I feel sure I will be returning to the site often.

God reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

The Creator gave man two ears and one mouth;there is a reason why He did so.

Thomas Barron

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.

Sophia Loren (1934 - )

Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little
Edna Ferber (1887 - 1968)

Everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.

Leo Tolstoy

This morning we went hiking at Pilot Mountain. I'll include a picture of it for those of you who have never seen it. It is a very unique mountain.

Anyhow, I have to work tonight, so I really didn't want to go. Tim woke me up at 8:00 all excited. He and my step kids begged me to go with them. Finally, I decided that I am very blessed to have a family that wants to do things together and wants me included, so I dragged myself up and off we went. We had a picnic and went hiking. It really was nice. I took my little Shih Tzu, Bailey, and he was just thrilled to be out with his family. The silly dog was almost smiling.

After we got home, I took about a 3 hour nap, so I should be fine tonight. I just work 2 nights, then am off until Friday. It really works well, because the kids go back to school on Friday. I can spend all week with them & try to get everything ready for the school year.

Well, time to get ready for work. Think about me while ya'll are all snuggled in bed this weekend.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Just a hint in the air...

Here in North Carolina, summer usually hangs around until October. Often times, September is just as hot as August. And, as I have mentioned before, I am NOT a fan of summer. I hate heat. I hate humidity even more.

However, this morning, there is a hint of autumn in the air. It is hard to describe, and probably only temporary. But, there is a nice breeze blowing, at 11:00 it is only 73 degrees, and the air feels cleaner than normal. It has really put me in a good mood, even though I know it isn't REALLY autumn. I can pretend, right?

Speaking of Autumn...we have lots of exciting things coming up. The kids go back to school one week from today. HURRAY! Every single year, I am excited for them to get out for summer, and just as excited to see them go back. This year, especially so. With me working nights, I will sleep during the day while they are at school. I won't have to worry about waking up to get them lunch or just to entertain them. And they won't have to tip toe around the house trying not to wake me up.

On September 15th (my husband's birthday ) we are heading to the beach for a long weekend. The famous Pavillion at Myrtle Beach is closing at the end of the season forever. For hundreds of thousands of people, including us, the Pavillion is a symbol of our youth. So, we thought we would go enjoy a weekend at the beach and go to the Pavillion one last night. My in-law's and niece are coming as well. We have rented an ocean front condo for 3 nights & I think it's going to be a really nice time. It's neat to have something to look forward to, now that our vacation has come and gone.

October is my favorite month of the year. The Dixie Classic Fair is always the first 10 days of the month....and always here on my birthday. That is usually about the time the air cools off, the humidity dissipates, and the leaves finally start to change color. OH, how I love October!!!!

Well, I suppose the kids and I need to get motivated. We have new shoes....bookbags.....lunch boxes....and other assorted school supplies to buy.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Is it really over?

I feel like throwing a temper tantrum. I don't want life to go back to normal today.

Tim is at work. I go back tonight. After a simply wonderful vacation...I am just not quite ready to return to the routine.

We are planning a weekend getaway to the beach with my inlaw's for hubby's birthday in September. So, I guess I will just keep looking forward to that.

Oh, listen to me. I should be thinking how blessed I am to have just spent this time with my family & to be able to come back to a great job. And instead I am pouting that I have to go back to work at all.

OK (deep breath, sholders back, sitting up straight). I am ready to face the world. I am refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvinated. ( I will just keep telling myself this until I believe it)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Home again, home again!!

Whew. We got home from our vacation yesterday afternoon. I didn't want to come home...yet I did. I missed our puppies, I missed our bed....but we had SOOO much fun!

I fell in love with the log cabin the minute I walked in the door. You can see pictures of it & others from our trip:

Just click on the thumbnails to see the full size picture.

Anyhow, it was a wonderful time. We spent one entire day at WonderWorks. It is an awesome place. Imagaine the neatest hands on science museum you have ever been to, then mutiply it by 100. If you are curious about it, you can check out the website:

My favorite part of the vacation was horseback riding with my stepdaughter in the Great Smoky Mtn National Park. We saw a bear! It was so exciting!! And on horseback, we were able to get way away from main roads and really enjoy the beautiful, quiet, undisturbed forest. Spending time with nature can be so humbling.

I spent a lot of time in a huge rocker on the front porch of the cabin...reading, drinking coffee, taking in the view..... Hubby and I enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub, but not as much as I'd thought. It was so hot...even in the evening it was in the low 80's and humid.

We all went to the Comedy Barn one night. It was a hoot. It was good, clean fun for the whole family. We did a lot of walking in downtown Gatlinburg. My stepdaughter & I got henna (temporary) tatoos on our ankles. Would you believe I'm considering getting a real one?

Anyhow...I hope everyone is doing well. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's blogs and catching up.

Back to work on Monday

Dear Anonymous

Thank you for your recent comment. I created this blog as a way to sort thru my feelings & vent my frustrations when needed. I invited some of my close friends & family to view it & encourage them to comment any time they want to. If you fall in this catagory, please feel free to continue to read, as well as comment. Please do have the courage to share your identity in the future, though.

If you are not a close friend or family member of mine, I respectfully request that you no longer read my personal blog.

And for the are right. There are always 2 sides of every story. However, I have no reason to doubt that my stepchildren tell me the truth. And like any mother or stepmother, I will always take our children's side, will always want to protect and defend them. No one likes to see someone they love dearly get hurt, especially when it could have been easily avoided.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hurray for me!!!

As you know, I went back to work in May, working 12 hour night shifts as a quality assurance technician for a fiber optics manufacturer. I was hired thru a temp agency with the possibility of being hired permanent by the company. After I started, I was told that they planned to hire about 1/4 of the temps brought in, and that typcially they waited 5 months or more before offering positions.

Well, last night they offered me a permanent job. :-D I am so psyched. The offer came complete with a $3 an hour raise. HURRAY FOR ME! Finally, we may be able to stop living paycheck to paycheck and constantly being behind on bills.

A lot of people were concerned about me working nights....that it would be bad for Tim & me. But, honestly, it seems like it has been the best thing ever. When I was home, the constant stress of money worries hung over us. While, he never said it, I think Tim resented me for not helping make ends meet. Now, that burden is much lighter and there is hope that soon it will be lifted entirely. And, the nights apart have made us appreciate one another in a whole new way.

If it weren't so hot outside, I'd go treat myself to my 1st pedicure. But, I just got home from meeting my mom for lunch & at 99 degress, I think it's best to just stay inside for the next several hours.

Oh, yeah....and another bonus. I had planned on taking our vacation next week without pay. Now, I have vacation time. WHOO HOO! I'll actually get paid for the time we are gone. What wonderful timing.

God is good.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fringe benefit :-)

Well, I have to admit I was surprised to find an added benefit to working 12 hour night shifts. Last night hubby and I finally had a night home alone and WOW! Talk about putting the spark back into your love life. With me gone 4 nights a week & kids coming and going we've had very little time alone the past month or so.

We are leaving for our vacation on Sunday. I cannot tell you how excited I am about it. We've had numerous weekend getaways, but this will be our first real vacation. We have rented a log home in the Great Smoky Mountains. It looks really luxerious...yet cozy at the same time. We are planning to go hiking, fishing, perhaps visit Dollywood, swimming......

Oh, and there is a hot tub on the deck overlook the mountain view. That is going to be least at night when the temps really drop off up there. Here at night it is still in the mid 80's and HUMID. But, I've noticed on the weather channel that in that area it drops to around 60 at night, even when the temps during the day were around 90.

Speaking of which...still supposed to be upper 90's to 100+ here today. Yesterday, I would get sick to my stomache whenever I went outside for more than 15-20 minutes. I don't see how people work outside in that heat. I honestly could not do it....wouldn't want to try!

Hope everyone is doing well. Silver....I've been thinking about ya! Jayana, I would love to hear from you.

Song Lyrics

One Body Ministries - Uniting believers into one body to win souls and further the cause of Christ!

I Believe Christian Network

WBFJ-Music From the Heart

Diary Of A Transplant Patient

The Life and Times of Simon

World Prayer

World Prayer