The Strickland 6 Blog
This is the journal of the adventures and thoughts of Andrea, her husband Tim, and their 4 children. Please take a moment to visit some of our links at the bottom of the page.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
And life goes on.
I sent an email to the lady that I worked closest with asking her if she could shed some light on the situation. I explained that I wanted to make sure that I didn't make the same mistakes in any future positions I may have.
I got this email reply from one of the owners..... (who I recently found out is friends with my husband's ex wife)
Hi Andrea,
Jan received your e-mail and was concerned, so I thought I would reply on her behalf.
Your initiative, enthusiasm and verbal communication skills are definitely strengths that you have that will serve you well in your next job.
It is true that accuracy and neatness are very important to us, because what leaves this office is often times the only indication that our clients and our staff have of how well we are serving them. Since service is our business, we have to be very very picky about the accuracy of documents that we receive as well as the completeness and professional appearance of any documentation that we send out. That is primarily a reflection of the business ethics employed by John and myself and we do expect others in the office to adhere to that principle. That is also one of the reasons we explained to you in your interview that sometimes the nicest most competent folks just don't work in our environment. It is not a reflection on you as much as it is simply the way our business has to operate.
I'm sorry that you were not a fit for our environment. We all think highly of you and do wish you all the best in your professional endeavors.
(rolling eyes) So, whatever. I had an interview yesterday as the claims administrator for a psychological practice and they had me come back in today for a 2nd interview. I have 2 different interviews scheduled for as an admin assistant at a non profit crises control minsitry and the other for a 3rd shift position at a factory. Quite a wide range of options, huh?
Last night I had to work in the consession stands at the ballfield. All parents have to work in there once per season. Anyhow, it made me glad I don't work in fast food or anything like that. It is hot, hard work, and just not my cup of tea.
Hoepfully, I'll have some good news to report about the job hunt very soon.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Lazy day, busy day, then bad day
Seems like my life often resembles a roller coaster ride.
Saturday turned out to be a lazy day. It was raining off and on, so all the ballgames were canceled. Tim & I spent almost the entire day in bed watching movies and just enjoying some down time together.
Sunday things got busier. We had church, then a make up baseball game. When we got home I planted about 2 flats of flowers in our yard. One of these days, I am going to wise up and plant all perennials, but I just love the splashes of color annuals make all summer long.
Then today. The new job. I've been there a week & 1/2. I've gotten lots of good feed back and felt really good about how things were going. When I arrived this morning the owner wanted to see me. He had several files on the desk which he showed me.
On Friday right as I was leaving, the office manager asked me to make some copies of an insurance document in a stack of employee files. Fine, no problem. In 2 of the folders, the document was stapled to the front. Being in a hurry, I gently pulled the documents off, copied them, then stapled them back in the folder. He pointed this out and said, "You obviously didn't take the time to use a stapler remover and that is just not the kind of work we do here. We think you are a wonderful person with a lot of potential, but it just isn't' going to work out here."
So, that was that for this job.
When I got home, I quickly called a couple of people that had left messages last week wanting me to come in for interviews. I didn't call them back because I thought I already had a job. I have an interview at 11:00 today and another one on Thursday. Hopefully I will hear back from a few more.
So, the roller coaster continues. This morning I went hurtling through the double inverted loop. What is around the next curve?
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What a morning!
I'm back to working a real job, and back to the occasional horrid morning. I forgot how stressful some mornings can be.
I'm going to HAVE to start going to bed earlier, too. I'm used to sleeping until I have to get the kids up, running them to school, then coming home to get my shower and all. Now I have to get me up & ready before I wake up the kids and I am just not getting enough sleep.
I'm not complaining, though. no no no. I am just observing some adjustments that are going to have to be made. is officially less than 1 month until our 5 year anniversary. We've got reservations in Savannah, GA for the weekend, but I feel sure that money is going to be too tight for that trip. The room is very expensive (overlooking the Savannah river) and gas will cost almost as much as the room. I won't cancel the reservations until the last minute though.
BUT, does anyone have suggestions for an economical, yet still very special way for us to celebrate? We were both married before, but both divorced in our 4th year, so in some strange way the 5 year anniversary is an extra special mile stone for us.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Big Decisions on the Horizon
As most everyone knows, I am a full time evening student majoring in Elementary Education and History. I've always said that I wanted to be a teacher, but I have to admit it isn't for any grand or glorious reasons. I love kids, want the summers and holiday at home with my family, and am aware that the retire benefits are outstanding.
When I started school in the summer of 2004 I knew that my senior year of college I would have to do my internship and student teaching. Basically, that I would be in the classroom all day every day, instead of attending classes at night. I recently learned that I actually will still have classes 3 nights a week my senior year, in addition to my student teaching. The school requires students to sign an agreement that they will not work during their senior year. Which is really pointless...when would we work?
Anyhow...we have recently learned that our family of 6 requires me to work at least 25-35 hours a week to make ends meet. This student teaching is now looming only one year away. I know there is NO WAY that I can go an entire year with no income.
In addition, this state require education majors to take an expensive test prior to beginning their student teaching, then a more advance one upon graduation. It has recently seemed to become very expensive and difficult...especially for a degree in which I will never make much more than I make now.
SO.......I've considered changing my major to Computer Information Systems. I know that this is a growing field and usually the pay is very good. But, there is not a lot of long term job security.
I just can't decide what to do. Because I've spent the first 2 year taking all my basic courses, changing at this point shouldn't delay my graduation. I've tried making the list of pro's and con's, but it didn't seem very helpful. I guess all I can do now is pray that God will lead me to the path He wants me to take.
Any advice?
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Our Easter Weekend Trip
Whew! We got home about an hour ago from a weekend at the beach. It was such a great weekend. The calendar may say that it is mid April, but the temperatures down there were more like August. It was 95 yesterday. But....with the wind blowing in from the ocean it was actually tolerable. I do not like heat....I am one of those people that just feels totally drained of energy when the temps and humidity go up during the summer. But, this weekend it really felt nice.
We stayed at a nice place on a harbor. I've never been to the beach and not stayed on the beach before. It was gorgeous. Tim and I spent a lot of time just wandering around the marina and drooling over the beautiful boats.
Last night we went to dinner with the whole family---my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, Cody, Chelsea, Tim & me. We went to one of those all you can eat seafood buffets and ate piles and piles of yummy crab legs. It was one of the best dinners I've had in a very long time.
Today, Tim and his dad took the older kids deep sea fishing. While they were gone, my sister-in-law and I took her daughter, Heather, out on the beach. Heather is 3 and just such a doll. I could have stayed out there forever.
I did take some time by myself to have my own private Easter Worship service. I found a good Christian radio station, same some songs, and read the Scriptures in Luke about Jesus's ressurection. It was an awesome way to start my day.
But, alas, we have to go to work in the morning, so we finally had to head home. Next week will be my first whole week at my new job & I am a little apprehensive about it. I've got several big things due at school, my kids are off spring break, and working 2 job as well. It's going to be an interesting week, to say the least.
I pray that everyone had as peaceful and beautiful Easter as we did. God Bless!!!!
John 3:16 For God so love the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I got it!!!!
I had my job interview with the temp agency today and they just called to offer me the job! I am so excited. They seem like a great, tight knit company and I really think this is going to be an excellent opportunity for me.
I am going to be working from 9:00-2:00 every day, which allows me to get off work in time to go pick up my step kids from school. After I learn everything, there is a very real possibility of me working at home some to get more hours.
This is just so awesome. When I left there today, I sat in my car and prayed. I just really felt like it was the right place for me. When she called me a few minutes ago, she said, "We were going to interview several other people, but after the short time we shared with you this morning, we just really feel like you are the right fit for our organization."
Yeah, for me!
"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." ~Hudson Taylor
Monday, April 10, 2006
Job Opportunities!
I actually have several things I'd like to blog about, but I don't have much time, so this one will be short.
I have a job interview tomorrow that I am so excited about. It is a local temporary agency, but this would be working in the actual temp agency. All the employees are part time working moms...they have found that works best for everyone. WHOPPPEE! It offers lots of flexibility, including the opportunity to work at home part of the time. AWESOME! The lady just sounded wonderful & I love the company's philosophy.
I also have an interview on Wednesday for a great job, but I'm not so excited about it. It is with a healthcare company doing customer service in their call center. I'm sure the pay is half way decent, but my heart tells me that as long as my children are young that I need to only work part time. But we will see. The bills have to get paid and right now...they are not.
I hope everyone is well. Perhaps I'll have time to write about the other things on my mind.
Friday, April 07, 2006
And time rolls on
Life is rolling along. Nothing much new or exciting to report. Chelsea, my stepdaughter, turned 14 yesterday. I told my husband I resented him for making me deal with the teen years before it is my time. (My oldest child is 8.)
Speaking of my kids, they left today to spend their spring break in Tennessee with their grandparents. I always have mixed emotions when they head over there for an extended stay. On one hand, I admit, I like the quieter and more relaxing days. But, I miss them so much too. And as much as I hate it, I don't trust their grandparents to watch them closely enough.
Let me explain. My former in-law's live in a very remote log cabin in the Cherokee National Forest. While it is a very beautiful area, it can also be dangerous. One time while we were there our Alaskan Malamute was attacked by a bear. Now that is rustic. So, I just worry about their safety.
I'm really glad that it is Friday. It is hubby's and my weekend alone, though I just realized we will be alone next weekend also. My kids will still be in Tennessee and his kids are leaving on Good Friday to spend a few days with their grandparents at the beach. (can you tell we have a tradition of the kids visiting grandparents on spring break?) So, we are in for a couple of semi quiet weekends. Which really are needed.
I embarrassed myself today. I have worked at the church for about 9 months now. Today, for the first time, I felt inspired to play the piano in the sanctuary. Bear in mind, I took piano lessons for about 8 years and used to play in competitions when I was a teenager. But, I haven't played in years. I was all alone in the church and just fooled around with a few hymns....while I was getting paid to be working. Anyhow, when I finished, I heard the backdoor close. Apparently, the pastor came by to check the mail or something while I was playing. I don't guess he really would mind, but I was embarrassed all the same.
It did make me want a piano at home, though. After all those years of lessons, it seems a shame to never play. And who knows? Perhaps one of our kids has music ability...we just don't know it yet.
Oh,and I am still in shock that Mandisa was voted off of American Idol. I would not have guessed that in 100 years. I thought it was going to be Elliott. At least my favorite, Chris is still rocking on.
I pray everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy this gorgeous weather!
Life is short...Eternity isn't. ~GOD
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The Job Fair
Wow! This was the first time I ever visited a job fair. I was astounded at the amount of employers and job seekers there. When I arrived this morning, right after they opened, there must have been 5,000 people wandering around. Just goes to show how many people are looking for work these days.
I did make some really good contacts. One, in particular I am very excited about. I started talking to the company representative and she kinda cocked her head and asked, " Would you be interested in working about 30 hours a week while your kids are in school?" Of course I told her that was EXACTLY what I am looking for. Come to find out, this position they haven't even posted yet. But, she said she prayed before she left home this morning for God to send her the perfect person for the job. She was all smiles and happy for our paths to have crossed....and I was too!! The owner is supposed to call me tomorrow to set up a time for me to come to the office. I'm really excited!!
Spring break begins for my boys today....they are out of school until April 17th!!! They will be spending a couple of days with me (and my mom while I am at work) then they will be heading to Tennessee to spend a week with their other grandparents. It has become a spring break tradition of sorts.
I hope everyone is having a good week!
In preparation for Easter: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shalld not perish but have eternal life.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Weekend in Review
After nearly a decade of debate, the lottery finally came to North Carolina. For years, every state surrounding us has had the lottery. The result was that hundreds of thousands of NC residents would drive across state lines to buy their tickets. Now, I am not a particular fan of nor a opponent against the lottery. However, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out we are better off keeping those $$$ in our state.
In Georgia, where my husband is from, any student that maintains a B average and has decent SAT scores gets a free ride to a state college..supported by the lottery money. That is just awesome. I can't tell you how many time we've said we should move to Georgia for that reason alone. Putting 4 kids thru college is NOT going to be cheap.
Anyhow.....yesterday we had baseball games most of the day. The tempos were around 80, so it was DRASTICALLY different from a week ago when we were freezing. Both the boys lost their games, so that kinda stunk.
This morning we had church. It is so satisfying to finally have somewhere we can call our church home. We are supposed to be getting involved on several different levels within the next few weeks.
This afternoon, my mom and I took the kids to see CATS!. You know, the Broadway play. I have seen it 5 times, but I have loved it every single time. This was the first time for the kids and I think they really enjoyed it. Even Bryce, my 7 year old with ADHD, was for the most part quiet, and entranced the whole performance. Oh, and no it wasn't on Broadway, it performed locally.
Right now my stepdaughter is at Thrive. It is a teen program the church has started to give them time to fellowship, study, and have fun together. The couple leading Thrive are newlyweds that just graduated from Bible College themselves. I feel like they are young enough to really identify with the kids and be excellent role models for them. I am so glad Chelsea is wanting to be a part of it.
Tuesday I am going to a job fair. While I have a part time job, I only work about 12 hours a week and it is just not helping pay the bills. As much as I hate it, I have to either find an additional part time job or another job altogether. It is very important to me to be home when the kids get off the bus, and even more important to be able to spend some time with them this summer. So, say a prayer for me that the right job will come along.
Have a great weekend!!!
"Maturity doesn't come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility."~Ed Cole

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